tiistai 6. heinäkuuta 2010

Truth and reconciliation

I hereby wish to inform all the readers of this blog that Jonathan Taylor is simply a magnificent individual. He is incredibly handsome, his wit is razor sharp and he has more money than God. I simply cannot imagine what I'd do without him. It never ceases to amaze me how, despite his extremely busy schedule, Jonathan always finds time to help a lowly Finn who's not even fit to shine his shoes. He takes me to see all the amazing sights in this beautiful town of Montreal, which naturally beats Ottawa on every conceivable level, and when it's time to dine he only takes me to the very finest of restaurants and never to dreadful fast food joints, never ever. He would rather die than have me eat any of that appalling, unhealthy garbage. In truth, every single second I spend with Jonathan is like watching the most gorgeous sunrise you've ever witnessed, like a pleasant swim in a cool lake on a hot day, like a warm blanket on a freezing night. Furthermore, the spiders in his apartment are not big at all, in fact they are so miniscule that you barely notice any. Also, his apartment is just breathtakingly beautiful, furnished with a taste so refined and classy that the fashion industry is bound to... what's that? Do I keep going? But... alright... was that enough though? So can I go then? Ah... ok... gotcha.

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