OK, the last one sounded a bit weird.
What I won't tell you though is that the button to upload videos was right next to the 'upload picture' and I simply hadn't noticed it before, because that would be really embarrassing, wouldn't it.
Anyway, Chick and Carole took me to an awesome place today. It's a spot a certain individual would absolutely detest, because they happen to have nightmares about what happens here, but I really loved it. I can only imagine how amazing it looks at night, but even during the day it was so cool. This is the place:
Doesn't look like much, eh? I guess you're right. Here's another shot that might give you a little clue of what it's all about:
No? Don't get it? Look closely, what's that thing near the end of the road?
Yep, that's right - an aeroplane. So what's so strange about it? Well how about the tiny little meaningless fact that it's about two metres above ground! That's what's so strange about it. The guy sitting on the chair in the pic was a total pr0 btw, he eveb had like a shortwave radio to listen to the air-to-ground radio chatter. Maybe planespotting is the local equivalent to trainspotting.
Anyway, here's what it looked like from where we were standing.
Iiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeouuuuuuuuuuuuuhmmm!! Somehow our four-flights-a-day airport in Joensuu doesn't quite pack the same punch. Oh, if you're wondering about the weird change of angle there in the pics above, it's not only because I used a different pic for the right-above-you-shot because I missed the plane in that particular progression as you can see in the last one (it wasn't easy to get pics of the planes, trust me!) but also because every single plane came down strafing weirdly like that, at an angle due to the strong wind. They only aligned themselves with the runway just before touching down and hence the weird shift.
EDIT: Interesting, I seem to have found a little language quirk. To me, strafing has always meant lateral movement, but apparently it actually has nothing to do with movement and instead means shooting people with machine guns from a low-flying plane. And while that too might fit this situation, it's not what I meant. In videogames from early 90s onwards, strafing meant side stepping or moving laterally in general. It seems like that's where it crept into popular use and that's certainly how I picked up the word. I had no idea whatsoever it actually means something else. Lovely how language changes, eh?
Anyhooo, there were planes landing pretty much every two minutes and they were literally going just above your head. I mean just look:
The planes were right there in your face! Surprisingly though it wasn't as loud as I thought it'd be. Or then that's just more evidence of me going deaf.
Oh yeah since I now know how to upload videos let's see if it actually works.
Well, it took a while, but at least there seems to be something here on the editor. Probably looks horrible though, my camera is most likely a pre-WW2 model. Also, the plane on the video was a rather small one, doesn't really look as impressive as the biggest ones I saw. Also #2, I was an idiot for recording the video while standing in a tunnel. I should have recorded it up there on the road seen in the first few pics, because there you could actually see the planes landing.
Anyway, sorry about the lack of updates as of late. I've been busy/tired/lazy/unmotivated, take your pick.
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