Today I went biking with Don and Pat. This is where we started from. No, it's not a church this time, it's the Atwater Market. I was told it's full of Americans but all the people I saw kept saying 'eh' so I had obviously been lied to. It's not a very good picture because my skills in photography are as good as my skills in mathematics. Anyway, there's like a market hall and a market place with...
...vegetable/fruit/flower stands. They sold FINNISH BLUEBERRIES there. Except they were grown somewhere in Quebec.
This is the Lachine Canal. Another name I probably just butchered. We started our trip by crossing it. Oh we did use a bridge.
This may have been on the first island we went to, Nun's Island or something. Yes, yes, butchering it again. Apparently they really like bicycles here, enough to whip up a bicycle made of FLOWERS anyway.
Then we crossed an ice bridge. As you can see, the river's quite wide. Although you can't really see it due to my amazing photography skills, the colour of the water was all wrong, it was turquoise like the sea. Rivers shouldn't be like that. It's just wrong. Also, being the stupid idiot I am, I didn't take a picture of the bridge but I assure you it took quite a while to get across to the other side.
This is the other side I mentioned just two seconds ago. It's called the sea way or something like that. It's deep enough for bigger ships to get through, I think you can get all the way down to the Great Lakes, but don't quote me on this one.
So basically it was just a narrow strip of land in the middle of the water, going parallel to the river. There was nothing there but this road and some trees and plants, and water on both sides.
There were all kinds of weird plants in there.
This was a cotton something.
They had a map of the longest biking/walking(?) trail in the world, basically it goes across Canada and then some. Or maybe it was for cars, I dunno. Sounds a bit unbelievable anyway.
There were bridges everywhere, old bridges.
After a while we arrived at another island. It was a peculiar place shrouded in mystery! What could it be?
That's right, a Formula 1 racing track!
I'm pretty sure those skid marks hadn't been caused by bicycles. The blue creature in the picture is not Don, I swear.
In the middle of the F1 track they had a really nice park.
A rather odd tree, wouldn't you say?
Oh yeah, there was a casino too! Btw, am I the only one who thinks that casino looks a bit like the ferries we got cruising between Fin and Swe?
Oh yeah they had an artificial lake and a really nice beach there too. Not a bad F1 racing track, eh? The weird thing is that here going to a beach seems to costs you, 12 bucks for this one.
This is where we had ice cream. Not in the tower but if you could turn 180 degrees you'd see the place. But you can't. Neener! Oh, I was brave enough to buy a strawberry slushie too and survived to tell you about it.
This is a bixi bike stand. It's a rather nice system. You either pay a monthly fee ($29, you can use them as much as you'd like) or a one time fee ($5) and you can just grab one of the bikes, ride around for 30mins before you gotta kind of sign it in at another stand somewhere. Then you can just go again and again and again. The stands on top of hills are often empty whereas stands at the bottom of the hill are packed. I wonder why?
As you can see, the current is quite strong.
This is Biosphere. It used to be the American Pavillion in the world expo of '67, the opening ceremony of which, btw, would have been totally ruined without Chick's amazing contribution of getting totally freaked out by jets flying over alll of a sudden. Yes, you have to show me the newspaper clip. Hmm I don't know where I was going with this. Anyway, it's the Biosphere.
The robot they stole from the Beastie Boys music video with the help of a time machine.
They even had a nice little waterfall there. Purdy, eh?
Oh and Art(tm). Who could live without some Art(tm)?
Certainly not these two.
More winged dudes were just chilling in the water.
Another bridge. At this point we were already leaving the last of the three or so islands we went to and started to get closer to old port. Yep, that's downtown in the background.
Now this is definitely one of my favourites from the expo '67. It's called Habitat '67 and it's made of solid awesomeness.
I mean just look at it. Marvel at its magnificence!
Yeah it's so awesome it's not even funny any more. I mean it has holes in it! Holes!
Oh yeah, another park. We must have been to at least 87 during the day.
I like it how they often have tables and benches in the parks. I hear people often come here to BBQ.
Oh look, someone's fishing! I guess the river's not that polluted after all. Or maybe they just like the taste of glowing fish.
Here's another view of the Biosphere and the Art(tm), from across the river.
See the colourful things in the distance? That's La Ronde or something, an amusement park. I might go there at some point.
What the deuce? Who is this stupid idiot and what is he doing in my picture? And look at that thing on his head! What a dork!
This boat just let the current carry it away. It said 'zero pollution' on the side of the boat and I guess that's why.
There were some industrial areas along the river, too.
This is amazing. See those tags up there? The graffiti? That thing is like 50-60 metres tall if not more. The folks actually climbed all the way up there, wrote some of that stuff upside down. I'm not sure if I should applaud their incredible dedication and call them crazy. Maybe I should do both.
This is the Lachine Canal again. We rode along the canal back to Atwater Market. Downtown in the background again.
The whole biking trip took us at least some 4-5 hours. After that we went back to Don and Pat's place for some BBQ goodness. I left at around 11am and came back after 9pm so it was a pretty long day. Definitely worth it though! More biking to follow, I'm sure.
Oh, it seems like I can only upload 5 pics at a time and as it naturally takes 5x as long for it to upload the pictures, it's not like I save that much time after all. There goes my Nobel. Boo!
First, CONGRATULATIONS on the photo upload 'breakthrough'! We can all rejoice in your reduced induced tedium from foto formatting.
VastaaPoistaNext, just a clarification for those not totally familiar with Montreal's climate - wouldn't want false misconceptions spreading through Juha's blogosphere. The ice bridge that Juha crossed was not the last vestiges of winter ice from the river, but an upstream structure meant to break up floating ice floes during the spring melt before they encounter the support pylons of the mighty Champlain Bridge.
And lastly, my participation was only at the Expo'67 resurrection of the Expo site the following year - 1968. I will don my archeological gear and plumb the depths of my basement and garage archives in an attempt to locate the newspaper clip.