perjantai 9. heinäkuuta 2010

Quick bits #2

1. Sometimes I really wish I could speak French. I got stuck in the Metro for 30mins in Atwater on my way to Lionel Groux. Something had happened and they just kept getting people off the trains and taking the empty trains some place. There were some policemen and metro staff there, so I figure I'd ask them what's going on but as I get close and start going "excuse me, but could you tell me what's g..." they just cut me off in French and push me away. Guess they didn't wanna speak English. There were a lot of announcements but they were all in French too and what I gathered from the other passengers was that they only said something about Atwater and some other station being unavailable.

2. It was raining like crazy today. As I came back from the movies tonight, I had to walk about 3km in the rain which was cool cause I really like walking outside in the rain at night. Everyone who's ever seen Blade Runner knows how awesome rain is. But what wasn't so cool was that you know how in Finland you get the earth worms come crawling on the pavement when it rains, well here's it's the same thing except you replace earth worms with snails. So I was just walking there, minding my own business when I felt something crack under my shoe, instantly followed by some squishy sounds. So I look down and notice the streets and the sidewalks being flooded with snails. It was next to impossible to dodge them, there were simply too many of them. What followed was something like *splat*, whoa, *splat*, crap, *splat*, oh god, *splat* oh no not again, *splat* dear god what have I become? *splat* I'm a monster! *splat* Looking down and trying to do my best to avoid the little squishies probably made the trip back home take an extra 10 minutes. Karma, please don't kill me.

3. When it comes to restaurants, Dan 1 - Jon 0. Then again I probably shouldn't be encouraging competition in this particular matter, because no matter who wins, I lose - money.

4. Today's movie wasn't very good. In fact it was just bad and there weren't enough people in the theatre to enhance the experience from 'meh' to 'wow this is great'. The movie did feature a nice ancient japanese castle made entirely out of used cardboard, but that was pretty much all that the movie had going for it.

5. I ran into Mandy and Jon today when I was downtown. What are the chances of that? 3.6 million people here and when I exit a movie theatre a car starts honking at me and oh look it's Mandy! OK, I guess with Fantasia going on, the area surrounding the Concordia Hall theatre is a pretty likely place to bump into people I know, but why ruin a good story?

6. Oh yeah. Earlier I missed an earthquake, right? Well, a week after that I also missed a tornado, I had just forgot to mention it. I wonder what else I still get to miss while I'm here. Oh well.

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