Right, today was movie day. On Tuesdays some theatres let you in with -50%, so I ended up checking out two movies for a total cost of $10.5.
I decided to bike down to a local theatre to see Toy Story 3, but the plan didn't exactly pan out. It was the first time I have used the bike I got from Jon (thanks Jon btw!) and it's truly an awesome bike, gears, brakes, everything top notch. However, I underestimated how much time it'd take me to get used to it, figure out how to take out the tires etc, that I missed Toy Story. 'Well, that's OK, I'll just go see Prince of Persia then, it starts 15 minutes later,' I thought.
Umm, no. When I finally found my way to the theatre, I realized there was no place to park your bike. Honestly. Just a huge parking lot and that was it. No designated area for bikes, no nothing. So not wanting to take my chances with locking the bike on a traffic sign, I decided to go back home. Around half way there, I ran into Carole who told me it was totally fine to lock it on a traffic sign, so back again I go.
By now it was already too late for PoP, so I figured I'd go see The A-Team, a remake of the 'classic' TV-show. I expected it to be trash and trash it was. However, having never seen the TV-series (or maybe because of it?) it was somehow great to finally get to know what these characters, or dare I say pop culture icons, were like. Finns, imagine never seeing McGyver on TV and then going to watch a Hollywood movie adaptation of the series with a completely new cast and you might understand how I felt. The movie was brainless mayhem but I'd still say just hearing the legendary theme song in a movie theatre was worth the price of admission.
Later on back at home Chick was lamenting the fact that he had missed Splice, a Canadian film I hadn't heard anything about, and it was now pretty much the last chance to see the film. So when he asked if I wanted to go driving down to another theatre a bit further away to see it, I said yes. It was a sci-fi film that, as the name suggests, focused on genetic engineering. The subject matter being what it was, I kinda felt they had had to cut a few corners and decided to avoid getting too 'deep' but it was no doubt about two dozen notches above The A-Team in terms of the quality of the film-making. I had already forgotten how much I like Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley.
The A-Team!
Oon katellu mitä elokuvia Kuopiossa ois tällä viikolla ja valikoima on huonompi kuin Joensuussa (!!!!!!!!), joten taitaa jäädä leffat väliin...Vaikka oiskin tarjouspäivä huomenna, kaikki elokuvat 5,5 euroa! Tuo scifileffa kuulostaa kiinnostavalta, tuleekohan se ikinä tänne :D
VastaaPoistaAurinkoa Kuopiosta!!