Initiating status report... please wait.
Location: Ottawa... check.
Company: myself... check.
Lynda and Katrin in Pembroke... check.
High likelyhood of misspellings on previous line... check.
Canada Day tomorrow... check.
Currently in Holiday Inn, 7th floor... check.
Nice hotel room... check.
Amazing river view... check.
Snot-generator functional... check.
Snot-generator working at maximum capacity.... check.
Nasal passages clogged with snot... check.
Out of tissues... check.
Minor head-ache... check.
Sore throat... check.
Fever... negative.
Walked around downtown for 5 hours... check.
Caught in the rain... check.
Again... check.
High likelyhood of fever tomorrow... check.
Lots of skyscrapers in Ottawa... check.
Definition of skyscraper debatable... check.
Beautiful river... check.
Beautiful canal... check.
Lots of bridges... check.
Lots of squirrels... check.
Squirrels black... check.
Squirrels hostile... negative.
Tailless beaver(tm) detected... check.
Spontaneous burst of laughter at tailless beaver(tm)... check.
High likelyhood of bystanders questioning my sanity... check.
Dined at a fine restaurant... negative.
Porked out at Wendy's... check.
Food horrible at Wendy's... check.
Had to try it anyway... check.
I'm an idiot... check.
Katrin even cooler than expected... check.
Katrin goes to LAN-parties... check.
Katrin not ashamed to admit going to LAN-parties... check.
Awesomeness... check.
Toured the parliament building... check.
Funny tour-guide... check.
Guards at parliament building jumpy... check.
Ottawa surprisingly pedestrian friendly... check.
Lots of parks here... check.
Several old fighter jets flying by in formation detected... check.
Pictures of old fighter jets taken... negative.
Old fighter jets too fast... check.
Pictures of tall glass buildings taken... check.
Way too many pictures of tall glass buildings taken... check.
Tall glass buildings in Joensuu... negative.
Uncertainty regarding the use of word 'tall' with buildings... check.
Feeling under the weather... check.
Taking a bath... check.
Ending status report in 3...
End of status report.
Jee :D
VastaaPoistaHappy to see Ottawa arrival successful... check
VastaaPoistaSad to read snot-generator over-working... check
Snot/sore throat recovery product... Vitamin C
Puzzled concerning not seeing comment about zillions of Canadian flags... check
Worried there may not be zillions of Canadian flags... check
Evidence of tailess beavers in Ottawa... reassuring
History of tall buildings in Ottawa... none
Fine dining in Ottawa (Montreal perspective)... minimal
Distance achieved by jumpy Parliament guards... required
Free tissues at Holiday Inn... check
Unseasonably cool weather danger in Ottawa... polar bears
Exaggeration for amusement factor... slight
Risk of June 30 post disuading Taina from visiting... HIGH
Post on Canadian snot/sore throat incidences observed... required
Best wishes for a great day on the Hill... check
Dear Cousin Juha,
VastaaPoistaI feel little bit like stalker here, but I got the tip from our Aunt Irma - that you have this blog... and since you decided to go to Canada instead of USA - I thought I better check how you are doing...
Is it head cold, chest cold or flu?
In Finland we say that the cold lasts 2 weeks without medicine and 14 days with medicine. Here in North America, cold lasts only few days if that... nobody is never that sick to miss work
;-) Okay, I do not know if this is true in Cananda?(I have not ever been there after all)
I recommend you to walk downstairs to hotel Lobby and little store there (or the nearest grocery store) to buy "over the counter meds"
1) Alka-Seltzer Plus is good one. It's for runny nose, headache + body ache, sore throat and sinus pressure
2) Nyquil is GREAT for helping all the symptoms and gets you to sleep like a rock for 8 hrs straight. Do not take it during the day (makes you sleepy)
3) Afrin, nasal spray
If you are worried what you put in your body, Vitamin C is good too and some Vicks VapoRub (ointment, you rub in your chest or under your nose)
I hope you will feel better soon.
Thanks for the tips, Heli, but I'm feeling much better already. Apples, oranges, other stuff with vitamin C seemed to do the trick. Cheers!