Got asked for directions twice by French speaking tourists(?). Who do they think I am, a Montrealer? Can't even speak their language! The other one I was able to help, she asked for the whereabouts of Rene Levesque which was easy enough - 'walk 10 metres that way' - she was basically walking on the street. The other group wanted to find a restaurant the location of which I didn't know. No surprises there. All of them were really nice though, polite, smiling 24/7.
Anyhoo, getting sidetracked here, too much time spent with Chick I guess. Walked to the Center for Architecture next and it was brilliant. I didn't understand any of it, a lot of maths, weirdo sketches and diagrams, but it rocked anyway. I mean just look at these things:
I'm pretty sure you weren't supposed to take pics in there, but I realized it after I had taken these. Yeah, I'm slow. The last one is defo my favourite. I have no idea what it's supposed to be but man does it look cool. When I was a kid I wanted to become not a police officer or a fireman, but an architect. Then I realized you needed maths and that was it. Suffice to say, my maths skills aren't exactly legendary.
Then I walked outside where they had a little park with strange statues. Since it was warm and beautiful outside, I decided to walk around some more until it started to rain. Dunno where the clouds came from, but I hurried to Guy-Concordia and took the subway to Lionel Groulx. Hopped onto the 211 just as it really started to pour. Sat in the bus with some random people, rain coming in through the windows. Yeah, folks always open the windows in buses. Beautiful sunset, sun still shining while the rain poured down on the bus. Could see a rainbow arching across the sky through the window, started to grin like an idiot. A huge 747 flew right above the bus. Awesomeness. Couldn't stop smiling. Rain stopped. Still beautiful sunset. Still smiling. One of those evenings when I just truly felt genuinely happy. I love it when it happens, love this little town.
Then later on in Kirkland I was supposed to go to watch a softball game with Chick. Quickly grabbed a jacket and we drove to the park. Thunderstorm right above us, rain, constant flashes of lightning, game cancelled. We drove back to the house, then lightning strikes, all the lights go out. Drove up to St Charles, nope, no power. Pitch black on Brunswick, only lights you saw were the tiny solar powered lights people use as decoration. It was eerie. Loved it.
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